A few years ago, Pandigital hooked its wagon up with Microsoft's Windows Live FrameIt techonology. I bought two pandigital products (PANTV1512) nd quickly discovered that they
photos services simply didn't work - right out of the box. Pandigital created and sold many of these picture frames only to be
crippled a year later when Microsoft pulled the plug on FrameIt.
After a year or followups and calling, Pandigital (which initially promised a firmware update) has now decided to abandon it's products and customers and will not honor its commitment to produce firmware updates.
So, the public is left holding a stunted product. Pandigital will not even take them back as an RMA or exchange.
As of 12/5/2011, they don't even show their corporate headquarters on their website: http://www.pandigital.net/
A truly remarkable company that no one should ever buy from.