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Thursday, January 26, 2023

Dole's Cherry Mixed Fruit Photographer

I wonder if Dole has a dedicated photographer that solely takes the pictures of Cherry Mixed Fruit cups.  He somehow injects two extra cherry slices into the cup but I don't know how he does it.

Dole, how does that photographer do it?   I only get half the amount of cherries.   Is he magic?

Tuesday, July 26, 2022


Derek: Look, Hansel, Hoff's on is way to eat another hamburger drunk like.
Hansel: No, my brother, he's eyeing your main squeeze Matilda - like I did remember?

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Powershell - Fixing my CreationTime with LastWriteTime

Techsmith's SnagIt has long been invaluable to me with all the screen captures that I do.  Up through SnagIt 2021, it has nicely organized all my screen captures by Year/Month within its Library.

Upon upgrading to SnagIt 2022, they converted over all my snag its and they mysteriously dispensed with Library's nice organization.  Now I have a jumbled mess of 6000 captures and I'm so very lost.

The mistake I made after upgrading was that I moved out all the old .SNAG files to a backup location.  The .SNAG files live here for version 2021 and prior:

I uninstalled 2022, reinstalled 2021, and restored my image files back to it's appropriate DataStore folder.  However, upon copying, Windows changed the Creation Date and now my SnagIt Library thinks all the files are of today's date.  Oh boy.  What a mess!

Luckily, the modification timestamps are intact.  If I can just make the Create Time the same as the Mofication time, then my SnagIt Library would subgroup the files and I'm back to where I was. So, with one powershell command I can fix all my .SNAG files to make the Creation timestamp be the same as the LastWriteTime timestamp:

PS C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\TechSmith\Snagit\DataStore> Get-ChildItem *.SNAG | ForEach-Object{$_.CreationTime = $_.LastWriteTime}

As a side note, if you get this error, this means you need to close out of SnagIt 2021 and retry the powershell command above.

Exception setting "CreationTime": "The process cannot access the file
'C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\TechSmith\Snagit\DataStore\C72D8F24-C2EB-477C-A569-630E25980C4D.SNAG' because it is being used by another process."
At line:1 char:38
+ ... -ChildItem *.SNAG | ForEach-Object{$_.CreationTime = $_.LastWriteTime}
+                                       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], SetValueInvocationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ExceptionWhenSetting

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

California Tools Compressor - Valve causing breaker to trip?

These are great oil-less air compressors and they are very quite for what they do.   After years of service, this one started randomly tripping the 20amp breaker but would work most of the time to bring the tank up to pressure.

After taking the head off, I saw that the inlet check valve had a chuck of its metal missing and thereby causing it to leak compressed air.  This probably caused an air-lock situation on one of the pistons which caused the motor to bind up which then tripped the breaker.

These thin pieces of metal are a whopping $40!   But, so far this $500 California compressor has been worth it!   I don't know where the metal piece went but it's working again.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

49ers 23 - Cowboys 17

Dak makes a run for it, eating away precious seconds.....



Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Logitech keycap letters are horribly weak

The ASCE keys and others wear out way too quickly on QWERTY keyboards.  I can't help but believe that Logitech knows this with the hopes for consumers to repurchase keyboards over and over.
I purchased water applied decals but those didn't stay on more that a day.

So I purchased a new keyboard and, this time, coated it with Rustoleum clear primer.   I cut open the bag the keyboard came in and tape around the keys to avoid spraying on the special function keys and the palm rest pad.  You can see the spray lines.

Hopefully this will lock in the factory lettering permanently.   I'll know in about 8 months of use if this experiment worked.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Preserve first X characters of each line in Notepad++

In notepad++, press CTRL-H.
This regex example will chop off every line longer than 200 characters:

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Postfix Autostarts and delivers local mail

I had a Mac Folder action setup to call a shell script.  Within the shell script is a mail -s command send send an email out.   The problem is that a normal unix-based system, such as the MacOS, doesn't have a mail system running to help you deliver mail.   However, it comes pre-installed with Postfix and a simple edit to:

with the line:
relayhost =

is all it takes.   But I thought I had to do more.  I ran the mailq command and it said "Queue report unavailable - mail system is down".  I ran netstat -a -n |grep 25 and saw nothing LISTENing on port 25.

To my surprise, just running the mail -s command to send an email will automatically start the service, listen on port 25, delivery the mail, then shut down the postfix service automatically.  Knowing that, then I'm good. This saves me from learning how to permanently start postfix daemon and I don't care about bounce back messages as the smarthost will handle that.

Here you can see the mailq command works fine just after sending an email. and Port 25 will close after about 30 seconds.